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How to Responsibly Borrow as a Business

Nearly all businesses borrow money at some point, whether on an occasional or recurring basis. For the most part, owners are comfortable committing their own savings to their enterprises; demands on cash, however, tend to outpace savings and funding from an outside source is necessary.

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Understanding the Impact of Recessions on Personal Finances

Recessions are, unfortunately, unavoidable. These dips in the economy can cause a lot of problems for you, your family and your friends.

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How Much of Your Paycheck Should Go Toward Your Retirement Savings?

Retirement savings is the longest and most involved financial project that most people will undertake in their lifetimes.

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Is it a Good Time to Refinance Your Mortgage?

Refinancing your mortgage can lead to a number of advantages, from lowering the total cost of your home loan to making monthly payments more manageable.

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Effective Budgeting during a Pandemic

It’s critically important to stay safe during times when communicable illnesses spread rapidly. A sound budget is a major part of overall security for you and your family.

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